Current Events in Language Arts

This Week:

May 17 - MGP ~ Writing in class

             Homework - Nothing

May 18 - MGP ~ Writing in class

             Homework - Nothing

May 19 - ("Go the Distance" Day) MGP ~ Writing in class

             Homework - Nothing

May 20 - (BLOCK 2 & 6) MGP ~ Typing rough drafts

             Homework - Nothing

May 21- (BLOCK 1 & 5) MGP ~ Typing rough drafts

             Homework - Nothing

Next Week:

May 24 -Publishing MGPs

             Homework - Nothing

May 25 -Publishing MGPs

             Homework - Nothing

May 26 - Movie: Freedom Writers

             Homework - Nothing

May 27 - (MGP DUE) Movie: Freedom Writers

             Homework - Nothing

May 28-  (LAST DAY OF SCHOOL) Movie: Freedom Writers

             Homework - Nothing